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Jerilyn Nighttraveler Johnson

Jerilyn Nighttraveller Johnson was raised in Pennsylvania and lived in Canada over twenty years, but her mother was a born-and-raised South Georgian—the place Jerilyn came home to over thirty years ago. Her interest in writing was encouraged by a high school English teacher, and over her lifetime she has written short stories and poetry. With degrees in education and graphic design, she has worked in both professions. Freelancing resulted in several articles being published, including a poem. 

Inspiration came from illustrating a children’s book for a friend: Bettina the Bold by Fiona Page, and in 2014 she met an author who had self-published through Amazon. That discovery led to her self-publishing several books; she is currently working on one more.

ComplEXities: Damn the Vows

Agnes and Mitch married, having never been out on a date. It was not an arranged marriage; it was a deranged one—a derailment.

Strange events have occurred in the Aurora Borealis zone, and this is such a story. Strangers in the night who were not meant to be together—with disastrous consequences … well, not all disastrous … The author has woven a story that takes place in two countries and two cultures, where the main characters overcome challenges to create a better life for themselves and their loved ones. The setting spans from small town USA to the wilderness of Canada’s First Nations native culture, and with the help of her Native American friends, Agnes overcomes several life challenges and discovers her own strengths.

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Also by Jerilyn Johnson

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